Building a natural resources gateway through the arctic to the world.
Owned by First Nations and Bayline communities.
Connecting Canada to global markets via the Arctic Trade Corridor.
Proudly Indigenous- and community-owned.

Strategically located on the west coast of Hudson Bay. The Arctic Gateway is the front door to Western Canada, linking Canadian trade in resources to the global marketplace.
The Arctic Gateway Group owns and operates the Port of Churchill, Canada’s only Arctic seaport serviced by rail, on the Hudson Bay Railway, running from The Pas to Churchill, Manitoba.

Strategically located on the west coast of Hudson Bay. The Arctic Gateway is the front door to Western Canada, linking Canadian trade in resources to the global marketplace.
The Arctic Gateway Group owns and operates the Port of Churchill, Canada’s only Arctic seaport serviced by rail, on the Hudson Bay Railway, running from The Pas to Churchill, Manitoba.

What We Offer
Select your service below:
Arctic Gateway Freight Services
Shipping supplies or goods? With regular freight rail service from The Pas to Churchill and back, stopping at dozens of communities along the way, Arctic Gateway provides a low-cost supply route for vital commodities.
Hudson Bay Railway
Hudson Bay Railway is ideal for hauling perishables, automobiles, frac sand, heavy equipment, scrap, construction or hazardous materials, kraft paper, concentrates, containers, wheat and other grain products.
Our railway connects with CN in The Pas, running north through Manitoba to the Hudson Bay at the Port of Churchill.
Port of Churchill
Whether you’re looking to import or export, the Port of Churchill creates a vital tidewater connection to port facilities worldwide. The Port of Churchill is Canada’s only Arctic seaport serviced by rail.
Churchill Marine Tank Farm
The Churchill Marine Tank Farm handles storage of fuel for distribution to northern communities, the Town of Churchill, and the Churchill Airport.